About this and that

First of all we’d like to thank you for this school year! It’s been great joining your meetings, working together and sharing new ideas!

During our last meeting we started off informing the teachers about the annual Book Return. This year we have bought twelve new mobile carts, one cart to each class. We will also try to return the books in the classrooms and the teachers will be in charge.

We also bragged about our presentation about the ideal collaboration between the school library, teachers and the ICT pedagogues. The organizers of this event was GR utbildning. To read, click here.

And a great opportunity! Håkan Fleischer, who’s doing research on 1-1 (computer programme) at the University of Jönköping, will skype with us on Tuesday 19 of June! On this occation we will be able to ask all our questions regarding the 1-1 project! If you’re not able to join this event but still are interested and have questions – send them to us and we’ll ask them!  Welcome!

Interesting read; The learning’s stretchability by Tomas Kroksmark is a really current and interesting paper about moving from analog to digital learning and teachers’ experiences about this.

And a last tip; Margareta Guldér, librarian in the commune of Mölndal has received a scholarship of 100 000 SEK from .se for the purpose of educating teachers in digital competence, source criticism and social media. On the16:th of August, she will organize a whole day with interesting lecturers dealing with the digital revolution, creative commons and copyright issues. If you’re interested in joining this event, send us an email and we’ll sign you up!

Have a nice summer break!

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