Mass media and source criticism 1

What is mass media? How does information from mass media affect us? Can we have an influence on mass media? Does mass media give us an opportunity to change society? What is a source? How do we use different sources? Who creates the information I use? Does that person/organization want to have an influence on my opinion?

These are some of the questions that our first year of high school students will be able to answer after finishing this unit.

What is a source of information? Your grandmother, YouTube, a chat, a radio programme, a tv show, a piece of music, a blog, a newspaper, a magazine, a website, a tweet … can you think of something else….?

Nuclear energy is a highly debated topic. Japan has just recently turned off their last nuclear reactor. And in Sweden we are in progress of deciding which way to go regarding this particular source of energy. At IHGR will analyse the issue of nuclear power from different perspectives and starting by viewing some clips from various sources.

This is a link to a YouTube-clip about the accident in Japan in March 2011.

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